NFA Information

  • UPDATED FEE STRUCTURE (effective 01/01/2025)
  • Total Cost When Buying From Us: $205
    • $205 Tax Stamp (Purchased directly through Silencer Shop)
    • FREE eForm4 Processing Fee
    • FREE Transfer Fee
  • Total Cost When Buying From Elsewhere: $325/$285
    • $205 Tax Stamp (Purchased directly through Silencer Shop)
    • $60 eForm4 Processing Fee
    • $40 Fingerprinting
      • One time fee. Once your fingerprints are taken at a Silencer Shop Kiosk once, you will NEVER need them done again!
    • $20 Transfer Fee (Due on Pick-Up)

Process and Fee Timeline in Detail

  1. First thing first, purchase the NFA item you are interested in!
    • Whether a Silencer/Suppressor, Short Barrel Rifle, Short Barrel Shotgun, or something else, the first step is making the initial purchase of the item.
    • Purchase through us through our Silencer Shop dealer link HERE, or through our online shop HERE
    • If purchasing elsewhere, have them contact use for a copy of our FFL/SOT to send it our way!
    • IMPORTANT: You will need to create an account on the ATF eForms Website! CLICK HERE to be directed there. The email address you use will have to match the email address you give us/SilencerShop. Make a note of your Username and PIN once your account is created – you will need this in the CERTIFY step.
  2. Your item will typically take about 2 weeks to arrive from time of purchase.
    • If purchasing from us, we can get a jumpstart on the paperwork (eForm4) process prior to the item arriving!
    • If purchasing elsewhere, we will need to receive the item prior to starting the eForm4 process.
    • We process ALL eForm4’s through our Silencer Shop Dealer Portal. This significantly reduces delays based on paperwork, photo, or fingerprinting errors.
    • We will contact you to get an email address to start your Silencer Shop account.
    • You will receive an email with instructions to complete your demographics for the eForm4, along with a Kiosk Code, used for fingerprinting
    • Alternatively, you may also fill out all of your demographics information on site with us through our Kiosk!
  4. FINGERPRINTING / PHOTO (Skip this step if fingerprints were taken at a SilencerShop Kiosk)
    • We have a Silencer Shop Kiosk on site used for fingerprinting!
      • If you purchase the NFA Item through us, we waive the fingerprinting charges.
      • NFA Items purchased elsewhere are subject to a $30 Fingerprint Kiosk Fee (This is a one-time fee. Fingerprints will be on file for life)
    • When you come in, we will help you purchase your Tax Stamp of $205 per item through Silencer Shop if you haven’t done so already. We will also collect a $40 (Waived if purchased through us) eForm4 Processing charge (Membership Discount Applies!)
    • We will take your photo on site for direct upload to your Silencer Shop profile
    • Once everything is completed, Silencer Shop NFA Professionals will review your eForm4 for issues
    • After the review (typically within 24 hours), we will contact you to Certify your eForm4
      • If you are purchasing your silencer through us, or through Silencer Shop, you can CERTIFY remotely.
      • If you are purchasing your silencer elsewhere, you will need to come in to CERTIFY in person.
    • Once we have Certified your eForm4, Silencer Shop will submit your eForm4 and Tax Stamp funds to the NFA for the wait!
    • With the new eForm4 submission process, the wait time should be dramatically less than with the old paper Form4 submissions. The ATF is estimating 90 days or less (but we all know how reliable our government processes can be).
    • Once we receive your approved Tax Stamp, we will contact you for pickup!

Quick Reference Guide

  5. WAIT